
Image of IFS Institute staff with 3 employees remoting in - at a team off sight event in 2022

We aspire to model the IFS principles in practice through all our efforts, both as a team and as individuals. We do this most effectively when we are operating from the place of our "highest Self" embodying the following universal attributes:

  • Calm, in our demeanor, our inner state, and how we engage with others
  • Curious about ourselves and each other
  • Compassionate, to ourselves and each other
  • Confident in who we are in the world
  • Courageous in our exploration within, and in how we engage with others
  • Creative in how we approach life's opportunities and challenges
  • Connected to all parts of our Self and to the other people with whom we have relationships

If you're interested in becoming an IFS Trainer, please see our IFS Trainer Career Track


IFS Institute Benefits

Employee Testimonials

Testimonial from Jessy D

Testimonial Luis V

Testimonial Mary M

Testimonial Laura Z